A long overdue start to my motoring journals


It’s been on my mind for quite a while, but finally after approximately a decade of taking pictures and six as a photojournalist specialising in cars, I thought it would be a good idea to have a place to share some unwritten stories instead of letting them sit motionless on over 50TB worth of hard drives. 

The Journals

Having the opportunity to chase cars as a job, I’ve been lucky enough to have some amazing experiences from various perspectives. From time spent behind the lens, behind the wheel and in an abstract form with my design and artworks, I hope to share some of these experiences in a pretty candid way with these journals. The aim is to Include a variety of stories encompassing the various car cultures I’ve had the chance to work with - from trackside impressions at some of the world’s best car events, to history lessons on the world’s most significant race cars and all the way to features on heavily modified road cars built specifically to take on the mighty Nurburgring, there are plenty of stories I’d like to share.

It was a tough call to move from Australia to the UK back in 2014 to see if taking pictures of cars would be a viable career choice over designing them. But in the time since, I’ve been constantly humbled by the friendliness of my car crazy friends from around the world who have helped to make a hunch a reality - a massive thanks to them, you know who you are!

If you have any thoughts, feel free to drop comments or get in touch via email. I’d really appreciate some feedback!

Anyways, hopefully there will be a constant stream of interesting content for you - I also hope you enjoy it!

- Jayson

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